The most valuable commodity on earth today is data. How we make it, use it, move it & protect it. Join David McCall as he invites guests from all industries to talk about how they use data to drive their business & innovation in their market.
Tuesday Jun 21, 2022
The Science of Gratitude with Nancy Davis Kho
Tuesday Jun 21, 2022
Tuesday Jun 21, 2022
I’ve become enamored with the science of Gratitude. In my quest to learn more I was introduced to author Nancy Davis Kho, who turned being enamored into a project and then wrote about it. While it’s based in science and big data, the result can heal our hearts – join us for the conversation on the next QTS Experience.
About Our Guest
Nancy Davis Kho is a speaker, author, and podcaster whose work has appeared in the Washington Post, San Francisco Chronicle, and NPR affiliate KQED. Nancy’s book THE THANK-YOU PROJECT: Cultivating Happiness One Letter of Gratitude at a Time was published by Running Press in December 2019. Nancy covers “the years between being hip and breaking one” at MidlifeMixtape.com and on the Midlife Mixtape Podcast, available on all major podcast platforms. The Midlife Mixtape Podcast won a 2020 Iris Award as Podcast of the Year and was included in Wall Street Journal’s list of 8 Podcasts for Anyone Nervously Facing Retirement. Nancy has been both champion and judge in the acclaimed international comedy-lit improv show, Literary Death Match.
Nancy is from upstate New York and now lives with her husband and two daughters in Oakland, California.
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