The most valuable commodity on earth today is data. How we make it, use it, move it & protect it. Join David McCall as he invites guests from all industries to talk about how they use data to drive their business & innovation in their market.
Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
Episode 180; Daniel Kahneman: Artificial Intelligence and Intuition, Future Humans
Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
That quote is from my guest this week, Daniel Kahneman a Nobel Prize-winning psychologist and pioneer in the area of intuition and biases in human decision-making. Dr. Kahneman’s groundbreaking work, particularly on the cognitive biases that influence human decision-making, has profoundly impacted diverse fields ranging from economics to psychology. I asked Doctor Kahneman to discuss how he imagines what that world looks like for future humans and their decision-making with the aid of technology and artificial intelligence in particular.