The most valuable commodity on earth today is data. How we make it, use it, move it & protect it. Join David McCall as he invites guests from all industries to talk about how they use data to drive their business & innovation in their market.
Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
Episode 171; Mattias Fridström: Shannon’s Limit, The Middle Mile, and Telecom Security
Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
This week, we discuss the challenges of building a modern economy with AI, cloud computing, and machine learning. Our guest, Mattias Fridstrom, a telecom evangelist, explains that we're facing an emerging bottleneck with our networks. The US has a vanishing inventory of fiber, and adding fiber between cities and states is difficult, expensive, and time-consuming. Join us for this cool and unsettling conversation.
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