The most valuable commodity on earth today is data. How we make it, use it, move it & protect it. Join David McCall as he invites guests from all industries to talk about how they use data to drive their business & innovation in their market.
Tuesday May 16, 2023
Tuesday May 16, 2023
Dr. John Zerilli is a philosopher with particular interests in cognitive science, artificial intelligence, and the law. He is currently a Leverhulme Fellow at the University of Oxford, a Research Associate in the Oxford Institute for Ethics in AI, and an Associate Fellow in the Centre for the Future of Intelligence at the University of Cambridge. Dr. Zerilli joins me today to explore the intricacies of neural networks and their ability to mimic human intelligence, and we particularly focus on the emotional response to ChatGPT. Dr. Zerilli sheds light on the complex topic of AI bias and its implications for society, and the ever-evolving relationship between AI and the law, uncovering the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Get ready for an enlightening conversation on this remarkable intersection of technology, human emotions, bias, and the future of legal frameworks.