The most valuable commodity on earth today is data. How we make it, use it, move it & protect it. Join David McCall as he invites guests from all industries to talk about how they use data to drive their business & innovation in their market.
Wednesday Apr 05, 2023
Wednesday Apr 05, 2023
Jon Trout, CEO and founder of ChekHub, appears on The QTS Experience Podcast, where he shares his background and journey in the digital infrastructure industry. He talks about the chaos and inefficiencies in the industry and how his experiences inspired him to create platforms that provide clarity and improve technical service delivery in various industries, similar to how Uber has leveraged operational clarity, aligning everything from the service provider to the end user. Jon and host, David McCall, discuss the technical service delivery personnel supply chain challenges and the importance of evangelizing and sharing the good news about the potential opportunities available in the digital infrastructure industry.
Jon Trout LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/jontrout/
Chekhub https://chekhub.com/
Nomad Futurist Foundation https://www.linkedin.com/company/nomad-futurist/